A woman stands with her arms crossed against a hedgerow

May 16, 2018 – Jennifer Doyle: “Harassment & the Unravelling of the Queer Commons”

This talk will attempt to speak to the difficulty of this moment for queer/feminist theorists—for teachers, students and staff who live and work with harassment, with forms of misogyny that are so embedded in professional life as, in some ways, to feel synonymous with it. This work is a return to a scene many of us have never left, but which critical formations tend to represent as having passed: super-sexual political writing calling for openness against an intolerable future.

Jennifer Doyle is a Professor of English at UC Riverside.


May 16, 2018 | 12:00 PM
Free and open to the public


Humanities Building 1, Room 210
University of California, Santa Cruz

Posted in Cultural Studies Events.