Thursday, February 9 / 5 PM / Oakes Mural Room
Kaja Silverman is Professor of Rhetoric and Film at UC Berkeley, and the author of seven books, including World Spectators (Stanford, 2000); Speaking About Godard (NYU, l998; with Harun Farocki); The Threshold of the Visual World (Routledge, l996); Male Subjectivity at the Margins (Routledge, 1992); and The Acoustic Mirror: The Female Voice in Psychoanalysis and Cinema (Indiana, l988).
Silverman’s current writing and teaching concentrate on phenomenology, psychoanalysis, photography, and time-based visual art, and she continues to write about and teach courses on cinema, with a developing interest in painting. She maintains a continuing commitment to feminist theory, poststructuralist theory, queer studies, masculinity, and theories of race. Silverman is currently writing a book on photography, and a book—entitled Appropriations—which is centrally concerned with racial, sexual, and economic difference.
Co-sponsored by the Psychoanalysis and Sexuality Research Unit of the IHR and Visual and Performance Studies