Wednesday, April 19 / 4PM – 6PM / Oakes Mural Room
Please email for a copy of the paper, which should be read in advance.
Isabelle Stengers, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Brussels, is a major contemporary philosopher and has been, with her colleague and collaborator Bruno Latour, a key shaper of science and technology studies. Her many books, in addition to the seven-volume series Cosmopolitiques (Les empêcheurs de penser en rond), include The Invention of Modern Science (Minnesota, 2000), Power and Invention: Situating Science (Minnesota, 1997), and Penser avec Whitehead (Seuil, 2002). She is also known for her co-authored books with Ilya Prigogine, including Order Out of Chaos: Man’s New Dialogue with Nature (Bantam, 1984).
Sponsored by the Science Studies Research Cluster and the History of Consciousness Department