April 29, 2006 – Fanon: A Symposium

Saturday, April 29 / 1PM – 6PM / Kresge 159

FRANTZ FANON is best known as the author of Black Skin, White Masks (1952), a devastating critique of colonialism, and The Wretched of the Earth (1961), a major diagnosis of the cultural politics of decolonization written during the last years of Fanon’s life, when he was acting Ambassador of the Algerian Provisional Government to Ghana during the Algerian War of Independence. Bringing together psychoanalytic, Marxist, deconstructionist, and postcolonial approaches, this symposium will consider the relevance of Fanon’s thought for understanding contemporary crises in sovereignty and state terror, nationalism and globalization, alterity and difference, and ethics and politics.


1 – 3 PM SESSION 1
(History of Consciousness, UC Santa Cruz)

DAVID MARRIOTTThe Politics of Affect
VILASHINI COOPPANNational/Global Consciousness: Frantz Fanon and the Political Imaginary

3 – 3:30 PM BREAK

3:30 – 6 PM SESSION 2
Fanon on Divine Violence
PHENG CHEAHCrises of Money


David Marriott is Associate Professor of History of Consciousness at UC Santa Cruz. He is author of Letters to Langston (Rutgers, forthcoming Fall 2006), Incognegro (Salt, forthcoming July 2006), and On Black Men (Columbia, 2000), and is co-editor with Vicky Lebeau of Psychoanalysis and Poetics (Fragmente, 1998).

Vilashini Cooppan is Assistant Professor of Literature at UC Santa Cruz. Her essays on postcolonial and world literatures, globalization theory, psychoanalysis, and nationalism have appeared in the journals symploke,
Comparative Literature Studies, and Gramma, and in several edited volumes. Her book, Inner Territories: Fictions and Fantasms of the Nation in Postcolonial Writing, is forthcoming from Stanford.

Gopal Balakrishnan is a Rockefeller Fellow at the Center for Cultural Studies at UC Santa Cruz, and an editor of the New Left Review and Verso Books. His books include The Enemy: An Intellectual Portrait of Carl Schmitt (Verso, 2000), the edited volume Debating Empire (Verso, 2003), and the co-edited volume, with Benedict Anderson, Mapping the Nation (Verso, 1996). A collection of twelve essays is forthcoming from Verso in 2007.

Pheng Cheah is Associate Professor of Rhetoric at UC Berkeley. He is author of Inhuman Conditions: On Cosmopolitanism and Human Rights (Harvard, forthcoming 2006), and Spectral Nationality: Passages of Freedom from Kant to Postcolonial Literatures of Liberation (Columbia, 2003), and co-editor, with Bruce Robbins, of Cosmopolitics: Thinking and Feeling Beyond the Nation (Minnesota, 1998).

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