February 21, 2008 – Joshua Clover: “Is Poetry Historical?”

Thursday, February 21 / 4 PM / Humanities 210

Thursday, February 21 / 6:30-7:30 PM
Felix Kulpa Gallery, 107 Elm Street, downtown Santa Cruz

Joshua Clover is the author of The Totality for Kids (California, 2006), The Matrix (British Film Institute, 2004), Their Ambiguity (Quemadura, 2003), and Madonna anno domini (Louisiana State, 1997). Recipient of numerous awards for his work, Joshua Clover is Professor of English, specializing in Poetry and Poetics, with an emphasis on contemporary and 20th-century American poetry, at the University of California, Davis. He also contributes to the Village Voice and the New York Times.

For more information contact Andrea Quaid, aquaid@ucsc.edu.

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