April 24, 2008 – Juliana Spahr: “The 90s”

Thursday, April 24 / 4 PM / Humanities 1, Room 620

Poetry Reading
Thursday, April 24 / 6:30 – 7:30 PM
Felix Kulpa Gallery, 107 Elm Street, downtown Santa Cruz

Juliana Spahr is a poet, editor, and scholar. Her most recent book of poetry is This Connection of Everyone with Lungs (California, 2005), a collection of poems that she wrote from November 30, 2002 to March 30, 2003 that chronicled the buildup to the latest U.S. invasion of Iraq.  Atelos recently published The Transformation (2007), a book of prose that tells the story of three people who move between Hawai‘i and New York in order to talk about cultural geography, ecology, anticolonialism, queer theory, language politics, the academy, and recent wars.

For more information contact Andrea Quaid, aquaid@ucsc.edu or Jessica Beard, jbeard@ucsc.edu

Sponsored by the Poetry and Politics Research Cluster

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