Craig Santos Perez: “Militarism, Tourism, and Oceanic Voices”

The Pacific Islands Research Cluster presents:

“Militarism, Tourism, and Oceanic Voices”

Chamoru poet Craig Santos Perez, Ph.D. candidate in Comparative Ethnic Studies at UC Berkeley, is co-founder of Achiote Press and author of all with ocean views (Overhere, 2007) and preterrain (Corollary, 2008). Reading from his book, from UNINCORPORATED TERRITORY (Tinfish, 2008), Perez discusses visual, spatial and narrative strategies in his work that address the Chamoru relationship with Guahan (Guam) and U.S. military and tourist industries.

For more information, contact Dina El Dessouky at

Co-sponsored by History of Art and Visual Culture, the Committee on Affirmative Action and Diversity, and the Campus Curriculum Initiative through the President’s Task Force on Faculty Diversity. (Poetry Reading, Lecture, & Discussion in conjunction with HAVC 10E are open to the public).

Posted in Events, Pacific Islands Research Cluster, Uncategorized.